Carpe diem!

Live your truth. Express your love. Share your enthusiasm. Take action towards your dreams. Walk your talk. Dance and sing to your music. Embrace your blessings. Make today worth remembering.” ― Steve Maraboli

Monday, June 17, 2013

Dreams are Essential to all of Our Lives!

One thing that I believe in are dreams; even when it seems like my dreams have no likelihood of coming true and all hope is lost, I seem to continue to believe and have hope. Sometimes I think it would be easier to just throw my hands up and walk away, but then I just can’t; I guess it is true that the heart wants what the heart wants and until it decides it doesn’t want it anymore, I will just keep dreaming of that day.

I’ve discovered that dreams are more than thoughts that run through our heads while we sleep. Dreams are also the reoccurring thoughts that run through our minds on a consistent basis. Dreams give us hope and they give us motivation. They can provide us moments of peace when things aren’t going as we “planned.” Dreaming can help us get to places in life that we never imagined we could go; accomplish they give you inspiration and hope.

The best thing about having dreams is they are not dependent on how “good” or “not so good” things are going in your life. Have you ever been in a place in your life where you feel you are going nowhere, you’re doing nothing right, and thinking that you’re making far more of a negative impact than a positive one? My guess is the reason for that is because I lost sight of my dreams. Sometimes it seems that I hit a series of bumps in the road, and I just want to just give up, because what I’m doing isn’t working. In reality I need to remember that each and every day is a brand new opportunity for me to take even the tiniest baby steps towards dreams. I’m not perfect and as long as I wake up each day, I can start over again.
I believe that in order for dreams to become a reality, you have to have a vision. Visions and dreams should accompany each other every step of the way. I think that sometimes it is easy to blur the line between the two or even get them confused. When I worked in the golf industry, I had the opportunity to work with people who had big dreams about what their event was going to do, how it would look, what it was going to be like. The question that stopped them almost instantly was when I asked, “So, tell me what your visions are for making your dream a reality?” They would instant look at me like I was crazy because they had just told me what they wanted. When I asked them to tell me if they had a plan for making it happen, or their thoughts on how to arrive at that destination, it all started to click.
A vision is what is currently going on in your life and what events are taking place. What steps we are taking within our current life to make that dream a reality?  Sometimes for me they can also be like a 30-60-90 evaluation; approaching it from that aspect breaks something down into pieces that seem more attainable.
When I am serious about making a dream become reality, sometimes it’s helpful for me to write those visions down. That way if I hit one of those bumps in the road and become distracted, it’s easier for me to look at it and regain my focus.
When I write my visions down, I include important thoughts and information about each one. I ask myself: How can what I am doing today help make that dream a reality? What can I do each day to help achieve my dream? What can I do to help me push harder towards those dreams? What is holding me back; is there something that I can do to overcome that obstacle? In what ways can I maximize my strengths and minimize my weaknesses? When I start answering those questions, sometimes the goals that I need to set become clearer and laying out a plan is a little less daunting.
I guess in a nutshell what I have learned or am in the process of figuring out is this:
My dreams are what will carry me through the daily grind. They are the things I aspire to be and do, they are the places that I want to go and the things I want to do. I will use them to give me strength, hope, determination and motivation.
I will use visions to make my dreams become reality.
My visions will keep me focused; they will keep me on track, and help provide me with a path that will help achieve that dream.

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